Real Estate Development
In order to compete developers are focusing on transforming our urban cores into transit, mobility and pedestrian friendly communities. The latest and greatest contributions of development are new urbanism, green planning, design and sustainable construction.
The redevelopment and growth of urban America real estate structure brings benefits and new opportunities for investors and communities. Cities are in an exciting period of growth and renewal as America’s economic engine.
People of all ages are choosing to live, work and play in cities. Businesses and Research and Development centers are driving innovation. Cultural institutions and public spaces are being re-imagined for a better quality of life.
ADEPT currently represents multiple real estate developers who are focused on public and private ventures. Our clients range from the largest owner of apartment properties in the United States to small landowners with one-off development projects.
Our clients offer:
Affordable Housing Development
Analysis and Development of Commercial Real Estate Projects
Asset Management Services
Disposition Services
Equity and Debt Financing for Tax Credit Properties
Green Building and Sustainable Solutions
Market Rate Development
Mortgage Financing Funds
Planning and Design for Livable and Sustainable Communities
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)
Renewable Energy Developments and Power Purchase Agreement
Shopping Centers, Retail and Commercial Development
Transit Oriented Development
Workforce Housing
ADEPT's approach to Real Estate Development:
Real Estate transactions, large or small, can often be daunting, involve multiple stakeholders and can be guided by emotion more than logic. If fully applied, Public Relations is the sole communication discipline suitable to help bring parties together, build common understanding and make deals happen.
Here are some examples of how ADEPT’s Team can serve to enhance overall results for your development projects:
Create excitement and build a community by creating special events to mark milestones
Market Research - generates a concise analysis of the marketplace and your customers
Opinion Research - public opinion research will help make the public and political landscape clearer, shape the message and energize the quiet majority who often remain on the sideline during the approval course
Publicity and Media Relations - in the real estate marketing mix, these continue to be immensely important and help drive marketing and social media activity
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - the future of SEO is in the ability to tell stories that readers and search engines will find interesting
Social Media and Content Marketing - successful real estate professionals comprehend the influence of full engagement.